Excited Dog in Wheelchair Eager for Afternoon Walk

Excited Dog in Wheelchair Eager for Afternoon Walk

In San Diego, California, a wheelchair-assisted dog named Scooty shows great excitement for her afternoon walks. Despite needing a wheelchair to move around, her excitement is palpable and infectious, proving that joy knows no bounds.

A video by Erica Loring captures Scooty’s excitement as soon as her wheelchair is ready. She quickly gets into it and handles the front porch steps like a pro.

Once on the sidewalk, Scooty is all about speed. She runs more than she walks, showing her love for being active. “Scooty is mostly paralyzed but absolutely loves to walk, so she gets excited to put her wheelchair on to go for a run,” said Loring.

Image Source Credit via YouTube

The video of Scooty, shared on Youtube, shows how happy she is, especially during her “afternoon zoomies,” as Loring described. It’s a sweet reminder of how much joy daily walks bring to her life.

This story of Scooty is more than just about a dog going for a walk. It shows her unstoppable spirit and happiness, making the most of every moment outside.

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